No word back from Joshua's Journal, its been a couple days... It was a dumb idea anyway...
I will go and check it tomorrow, if its gone, or not written in... I will just throw it away lol..
So this week has been hell.. full of Warden Drama, over taking the car because I don't want to be home on a weekend by midnight..
She treats me like a little kid.. I know I am still living at home.. But I HATE IT! I have applied at 5 places now, NO ONE IS HIRING, i am trying here!
Yesterday was fun though, I went over to my cousin E's house where they were having a party for her husband. I had a BLAST! We talked with their friends that came over, everyone was just in a good mood and having fun, (and getting more drunk my the second) Sorry E! I promise no one reading this will know its you, I don't write about this to tease you, I am telling...(ok.. I am going to stop actually talking to her on here.. SORRY) haha I just want her to know that I LOVE THE HELL OUTTA HER FAMILY! It's so normal over there.. like.. I feel like I can walk in there and let my guard down, We can talk and laugh and tell jokes and play board games, its just NORMAL! Its so refreshing!
But the night was cut short (before they got to the dance battle...DANG IT) and I had to go home because I am 18 and living at home with an Insane-O mother and siblings... She hasn't spoken to me since our argument yesterday, she just gets in these moods were she doesn't listen to a word I say, and I can't do anything when she's like that.. its so frustrating!
So she's at work tonight and I am at home babysitting...
OH MY GOSH! I have just typed in the website for, I have never been there but i've heard people talking about it! There is some creepy stuff on there!! I would never hook up with someone over craigslist, but I was interested to see what people! haha, Its amazing how many horny guys are in this town! ITS INSANE actually.. I know I shouldn't even CARE..but its like...."Okay, I am super horny, lets hook up in my care somewhere" its crazy! I mean I just want to meet a handsome, nice, guy! I wouldn't want Mindless, meaningless sex with a bunch of strangers! And with the world today you could be meeting a killer! Ha I just cant understand why someone would want to hook up that way!
There was also one about an old man wanting a "son" to take care of, and you had to fit all of this requirements and.. I dont know if people post stuff as a joke..but it was just...strange...
There were some romantic ones though lol so I guess the world is ALL bad, anyway, i'll get off that subject now, Its probably bad if the blogger gets bored of what their talking about...
I shouldn't judge people, and I am not trying to.. its just strange that our little town is so different then I thought!
SoooooOOOOO I am going to try to get one of my stories published, I was going to put them all on the same document and number them and make them into a short story book. (because I have a hard time writing past 40 pages or so.) ..Gosh I am bored again!
Alright BACK to the, OH MY GOSH! Okay So I said i'd never use it to hook up with anyone, but I just used my fake e-mail to respond to this guy because he was lonely and he wanted someone to talk to, so I thought I could because hey, its random, and its not my real email.. ya know? I just wanted to help someone, so we get talking, find out he goes to Dixie, and then at the end of his email he put this weird symbol and I got the goosebumps when I saw it and I realized I knew exactly who I was emailing.... Oh ... it just occurred to me that I prob shouldn't bring this up.
I dont want it to sound like I am making fun of him, I just thought of all the people it could have been... anyway..
BLah blah Blah... Sorry I just keep ranting on, I will try not to post again until I have something meaningful to say...
Thank you all for reading! Love ya!
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