So I was sitting in my bed last night reading and it was like... 3 A.M. and I got a random idea..
The idea is kinda like a Post Secrets type thing, if you don't know what that is.. You should be ashamed... Ha its a website where you send in a postcard with a secret and you don't put your name on it, I have always wanted to send one in and see it on the website.. day.. ANYWAY
So my idea was to get a normal Composition Book and label as, "Joshu's Journal: The Secret Safe Haven" And leave it places like Libraries, or idk.. SOMEWHERE...
And on the front page have a description what the book is, explaining its a place to leave drawings, poems, secrets.. ect. ect.
So I wrote the first couple secrets, just random things that people probably already know about me, OH! forgot to mention that I left my Joshua Email in the front of it so I guess people could email me if they move it .. or I dont know..
This is probably a long shot...
I just hope when people find it, they take it seriously and ...Play along.. lol Because I thought it was a cool idea....It will most likely be thrown away..BUT THATS ALRIGHT
So I will either comment on what they say.. or just.. see what people put.. Idk..
OH! and by the way I already put it in the library.. did I mention that? HAHA... Its in the Adult-Fiction. Row 13. P-R , Top I will let you know how that goes...
HAVE A FANTASTIC DAY! And if you ever see Joshua's Journal! SAY HI!! PLEASE!.. so i dont feel like a total loser.......
Thanks for reading
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