Monday, January 11, 2010

I dont understand....

Wow just a warning I started this blog and I lost my train of thats..why its so short..haha I am just in a weird mood I guess...


This post is basically going to be about me complaining about why men don't fall for me But they fall for Scott...

I wish I could just cut him out of my life too, he is just always there, commenting on my posts, "Liking" my status, Texting, calling emailing blah blah blah blah!!

So this next part is SOOO not even a big deal but I am just annoyed !

So there is this Jock, he is super good-looking, amazing hair, smile, body.. just everything!

And one day I was showing my friends him in the yearbook because I think he is amazing, I know nothing would ever happen because he is super hardcore straight, and even if he was gay he'd go out with much better looking guys then me...ANYWAY

So Scott sees his picture and goes home and adds him on facebook and they chat it up, He does it to annoy me I swear, I mean I could have added him as a friend because I actually know.....of him...haha.. But at least we went to the same school..I dont know..

So I guess those two are buddy buddies now and It just pissed me off, I guess I am just jealous of Scott's ability to just dive into a crowd and make everyone love him,

I am more of a, get to know you in person and REALLY get to know you not just have sex.. and not talk to eachother ever again...I dont know I am just a mess I guess....

Why in the hell am I even worried about how many guys he can get? I guess the part that really bothers me is, he will go on and ON about how cute a guy he met is, then he'll be like.

"But I dont want a relationship with a guy, I am not ready for that" Because he came out as Bisexual so that basically means "Im a coward and I can't pick a team"
Alright that is probably a little harsh.. I just think its strange that someone would be on the fence on what gender to like.. For me I dated a girl, she dumped me and I just realized that I like Men, there was not much wondering about women ya know?

SOOOOO I guess it just bothers me that he can just meet all these people at college and he will say "They were checking me out.. blah blah blah" Maybe I am the loser here..

I am the one that hasn't signed up for college because I am just...wanting to move out, to get a job (strike that.. reverse it)

I already got in a fight with the Warden about movie out because she has this super strict Midnight Curfew.. anyway I told her I am getting a job so I can move out.. then I will some how get money for college and take some classes.. I am just so stupid for waiting this long... I am such a loser!

I wonder if its too late to sign up now... Is it wrong to just want to go to college just so I can see what guys are there...probably.. Dah.. I am just rambling now and I am sorry..

I am just tired of everything right now..

I am tired of Alex always texting me, emailing me, adding me on Facebook, ETC. Because he wasnts to be friends again , he told me that if I didnt want to be friends anymore all I had to do was ask and he would leave me alone, I have told him that I dont want to see or speak or hear from him ever again, how many times can I put it as blunt as possible...

I am done with Scott.. I am SUPER already done with Alex.. I think im just done with relationships.. for a looong while.. but dont quote me on that because if I do meet a nice, decent guy in the near future I will erase this post and deny it was ever written! :D

Wow... I just walked away for the computer for a couple hours and I don't remember what I was talking about...

hm.. I will just end this post and add another later if I think of anything..

Thanks for reading! Sorry that i'm all over the place tonight...

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