Saturday, January 16, 2010

To go.. Or not to go..

This is sooooo not worth blogging about..

But this month.. on the 29th.. My friends are going to Vegas to go to Chippendales and go to Club FroZEN, They invited me, saying that the only reason they were going to Chippendales was because I wanted to go...

AND I DO! I mean come on! Hott men dancing around and singing ! I like the schedule..just... not the people I am going with..

We have...One friend who is super, over-dramatic and loud..

Scott....Who is a confusing loser..

and well the 3rd one is fine.. I dont know I just feel like if I go.. It will be NON STOP DRAMA

I have to decide by like... Tomorrow....Ugh I feel sick to my stomach! I want to go, have fun with my friends going to Chippendales (because i've always wanted to go) But is all the drama that comes with hanging out with them actually worth it..?
Besides should I really be going off to Vegas to spend money that I shouldn't be spending, I need a Job.. I have basically no savings..I am just a mess

I have the money to go to Vegas..But I am just....DAH!

Would it be worth it...? This was a waste of a post..I am just confusing.. So if your reading this, Email, Text, or call me and help me decide here.

Is it wrong to just want to go for the Yummy Chippendales?

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