A lot can happen in a week... seriously..
I met Karson on Monday, He was amazing and great. We hung out again and he gave me the key to his heart, and then later he asked me to be his Boyfriend. Friday we went out on a date and saw a scary movie, then dinner.
Then Saturday we hung out and I found out that he LOVES anime A LOT. .Which I will admit was a bit of a turn-off.
I have never liked Anime, never been around it, but there I was in his room, surrounded by it. And I was just overwhelmed... We click on so many levels, but also VERY different when it comes to stuff like that..
Sunday hits and everything was just overwhelming me.. SOOOooooo I broke it off,
Yes, my first relationship and it crashes and burns in less then a week....But I am looking on the bright side..I am young, Im 18. I just need to start going to the gym, get GOOD LOOKING and then go find a guy!
I was very on the fence about a lot of things with Karson, I think we were different on SO many things.. More then I thought.. Maturity being one BIG that mean to say.. This isn't a BASH KARSON post, so I dont want it to sound like it..
Oh and dont worry, I never gave him the link to my blog...
Anyway we talked it out, and at first he didn't want to see me.. and he talked like he hated me, But he told me that he still loves me and wants to let me go if I want to go.. I just was stupid to think that we could have started something out of thin air like, "Hello how are you, wanna be my boyfriend?" I literally had a stomach ache when ever I was with him because I kept telling myself just to shut up and be with him because he was so kind ...But I had some very good friends giving me advice on the matter..and they told me it was about my happiness too..
Anyway so me and Karson are just friends, and I think I want to just STAY FRIENDS, because its like.. we jumped ahead, tried dating and holding hands, kissing.. AND THATS IT. SO we skipped a lot of steps.. but I am glad we are on good terms now..Because now that I think about it.. I dont want to be with him that way...
Now I am free and single again, and it feel actually less stressful and FUN! haha I know I will regret it in a week...But thats alright..
SINGLE AND PROUD! I am now actually craving a Poncho and Lefty's
I know I know...calm it down..I am back to my boycrazy self! YUM! Its good to be back..
Sorry about my randomness.. I am just happy that things are ALRIGHT!
Okay I am shutting up now
Text me ! ALRIGHT?
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