I have been in such a FANTASTIC mood!
I wish I could have written this last night but THE WARDEN was mad at me because I walked in the door at 12:05...no joke.. She was mad over 5 minutes.....
My friends talked me into going to GSA at the college which is the "Gay, Straight Alliance" Basically this fun club that gets together and talks about what is going on in the world, service projects we can do, and not to mention having a BLAST getting to know eachother!
Yesterday was the Opening Social BBQ and we got together in front of the dorms, hooked up my I Stereo up and blasted Lady Gaga, and at first everyone split into their own friend groups, but by the end I got to know EVERYONE and it was soo fun! I met this guy named Carter, but dont worry.. I dont plan on being lovesick over him, He is just so sweet and kind and fun to be around.
Oh so we first get there and there is a guy in a beat up truck and he gets out and has this Rainbow peace-sign necklace, he was waay funny! I met so many cool people..and some..not so cool.. There is this boy named Fred that is a little of the top lol, I tried my best to avoid him, but thats alright..
So this saturday is this Benefit dance for this SUPER NICE LADY! Her name is Linda Stay, she has cancer...which is so sad because she is seriously one of the most accepting people I've even known! She came to the Social yesterday and heard Lady Gaga on and she started Dancing with us....SO COOL! So the party on Saturday is themed around Mardi Gras , its at 8 PM...wait have I already talked about this....? Hm.... Anyway 8 Pm at the Dixie Gardner Ballroom, Admission is 5 Dollars and it all goes towards Linda Stay!
I dont know what to wear.... I bought 3 masks but I am not sure on the actual outfit to wear with them.. I could go Phantom Of the Opera looking, or go in Shorts and my tight white jacket..with no shirt on..covered in Sparkles..lol..HELP ME DECIDE!!! I love you all !!!
Thanks for reading!
Oh and no luck with Joshuas Journal in the library, they said I couldn't have it in there....but its all good, My good friend Lucy gave me the idea to put it in Starbucks, I'll have to do that
LOVE YA!!!!!
Please get back to me and help me decide on what I should wear! I will update you on me and Carter
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