Sunday, February 21, 2010

Missing Him!

Okay I know I only hung out with Cody for a week....But I have already fallen for him.

He is so amazing...He makes me happy every day! With a comment, picture or just a simple text that makes my day...

It sucks that he lives so far way, I cannot wait for him to come on the 26th! I feel almost.. empty because I want him with me, right here! He says he feels the same about me, that he can see us being together for a long time, and I like that. He even dared to bring up what I wouldn't because I tend to try to see the end of the story, He said he could see me and him living in Ireland, me a Writer, and him working at the hospital, I am not sure if he is going in to Dental ...I'll have to ask him lol Sorry its late and I cant think... But he is so great....

To those of you that have read all the posts up till now, Its not my fault that I fall so fast.. .But I can tell that Cody is different.. Because he feels the same way, I look forward to being with him as much as I can.

The only thing I'm sad about is the 3 months coming up where he wont be able to visit because he will be doing Summer Classes where he lives.... He lives 2 hours away from Saint George, I think if we become a couple, which I hope we do.. I will drive up there to see him.. the only thing is he is worried about what his Mom will think....He will be living at home until he moves down for school in the Fall, which I have made it a goal to sign up for classes! I need someone to help me though..because I have no idea where to start! The whole process seems dizzying!

Oh! I have been working out at the gym for the past 3 Days, which is a big deal! Haha I have had that damn membership for months...


I need to stop spending so much I need to save up to make sure Cody has a good time when he visits, OH and not to mention saving up so I can pay rent, and cell bill, and car....BLEH..growing up sucks... How about I just sell a book and get a lot of money and not have to worry about things..haha Oh yeah...My stories SUCK! I went through the Archives today and it turns out that I've only written 6 or 7 stories out of the hundreds that i've started.. I just need to buckle down and finish some... I don't know how to even begin publishing anything....BLEH!

Gosh..i'm actually really tired tonight... Too bad there are a bunch of screaming pre-teens over...My sister is having a sleep over... BLEH...

Sorry for the random post.. Just thought i'd let everyone know that I MISS CODY!!! Haha sometimes I think about him and I feel this little stab inside and I get short of breath because I realize how much I REALLY do miss him... I dont want to sound like stalker or obsessed...He is just a great person... I just want to spend time with him...... So i am nervous abotu finding the right Hotel, for the right Price.. I am going to try to not spend any money this week, i'm saving it ALL for Cody lol okay Im going to go.. Im started to sound stupid...I can tell.... haha

SO....sleeepy! Goodnight everyone, Sweet Dreams....Oh.. I need to tell you all about the weird light in the sky last night..... too tired lol...

Love ya! Thanks for reading!


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