Tuesday, September 8, 2009

A new friend, all smiles today!

Today has been so great!

Hopefully anyone reading this doesn't get whiplash from the mood change in this post, I am super happy! Haha I almost don't want to acknowledge the good mood because I know that soon it will be out and I will be depressed again, but hey enjoy good moments while they last right?

You might think I am so happy because Alex is being sane, well too bad, not today.

I met someone :) His name is, hm..what is a good name for him... Kyle, okay that name fits..:)

I was just surfing the net when an add came up for a "Meet Teens" thing called Espin well I usually don't sign up for those things, but for some reason I joined lol

Oh my gosh I am glad I did, what you do is fill out a profile of likes and dislikes, fave bands and movies and all that good stuff that takes up time ;)

And after thats done you spin the bottle, and it chooses a match, Mine landed on Kyle R. And I am glad it did,

We got chatting and it turns out we have almost everything in common, so then I added him on facebook, We have been talking for the past couple hours, the only thing I gotta say is.... Its too bad that we live so far apart....Oh did I mention he lives in New York...Yeah that totally sucks...

But he is so smart and funny and super sweet! So for now I am smiling, Kyle R has made my day, and my week! haha

Okay I am going to go, errands...BLEH!

I will write more later,

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