Wednesday, January 12, 2011

The Great Mistake

I know its only been a week since my last post. But life as I've come to realize can change in a second. In one bad judgment call,

Me and Dustin are taking a break. I will not go into detail because I have been killing myself from the inside out. I made a mistake. A bad situation caused a ripple effect and I, for now lost Dustin.

I dont want to hear your judgments, replaying his face in my head over and over is punishment enough, I haven't heard from him in days and I'm hoping that he'll somehow give me a second chance.

The phrase "You dont know what you've got until its gone" is one i've heard many times but i never truly understood how important it was.

If I somehow get a second chance with the most perfect man ever, I will never be stupid, i will make him feel like he is the only one who matters, because losing him has shown me and people like him only come once a lifetime. I just hope i'm worth a second shot.

I haven't been able to really breathe for 4 days.. i'm on the 3 day from not hearing from him....


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