Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Fate and Changes


Oh Dear! It's been quite some time since i've blogged. I mostly don't blog because I dont have a computer of my own yet...

There is so much to catch up on! lets see. The last post was around the 9th, shouldn't have posted that one. It makes me sound like a drunk. I'm Not.

Anyways. To catch you up on October the Girls and I had a raging Halloween Party. I dressed up as a Sexy UPS Man in honor of the SEXY Ups man that comes into my work all the time. Everyone loved my costume.

B dressed as WonderWoman

A dressed as a Sexy Cop

Megs dressed as a Sexy Criminal

We also had Dustin staying at our house for that entire week, A handsome guy that I had met in passing before. He dressed as Edward Scissorhands and it was pretty much amazing.

So the night before Halloween Alex and Megs went to a party up in Ceder and got super drunk, well it was mostly just Alex. They came home and it took 30 mins to get Alex up the stairs. I got some of it on tape. She claims she knew what she was doing the whole time, but I highly doubt it.

So the next Day we cleaned and decorated and cooked for the party, we had a pretty good turn out.

During the party I did the usual. Sip drinks and mingle, but Dustin stood out to me, so I would always talk in the same group as him and throughout the night we just got closer.
We finally started talking and making eachother laugh, I kept walking up to him and massaging his back, and i'd casually walk away. Then someone had the idea to go play hide and seek in the basement. I hid in the storage room and Dustin was first to count.
As he searched he finally found me and pulled me closer to him. "Found you"

"You don't even know who this is.." I said smiling, because it was dark.

"Oh course I know, its My Sexy Ups Man, Nick"
And we kissed.

The night fast forwards on to more flirting and such. We all had breakfast that following morning, Dustin didn't really seem interested in me all through breakfast and I was just going to count it as just some amazing random night. But over the next couple of days we talked and he asked me on a date.

Let me just tell you that I always seem to work backwards, and it usually doesn't work out but it has so far, and I know it will continue to work out, but i'm getting ahead of myself.

We went on several dates, I asked him, he asked me, trading off but overall spending as much time together as possible. He is funny and charming. He is extremely handsome and smart. He is like no other guy I have ever met. He is just so.. normal. But by him being normal it makes him ever more Fantastic.
It's crazy to me that Nothing about him bothers me.

I look forward to how ever far this relationship goes . Oh am I getting ahead of myself again? He asked me to be his boyfriend December 12, 2010. :)


Sorry to hurry and switch topics, but I assure you, This will not be the last post with Dustin in it. I look forward to having him in my life for a long time. I think I might be falling in love with him... But that's too personal to just sit here and babble ab0ut.

Quick updates.

I am moving out of the Escalante h0use. Me and Britters are moving in together in an apartment down town of Saint George. All I'm worried about is rent...:/...but things will work out. I know they will..

I've been more positive lately. Its mostly because I have a terrfic boyfriend , but it's really craazy how happy I am right now.

Oh and i'm working at the Movies again.
I'm trying to think of anything I have forgot to mention..

I guess thats all for today.

Thank you for reading!

OH AND A SHOUT OUT to Anna! Thanks for motivating me to write another post.

Your friend,

Joshua D.

1 comment:

  1. I'm so glad! I love updates from you, and you're a good writer, keep it up!
