Today has been wonderful, its funny how little things can just keep you going.
To start off i'd like to just blog about last night, it was probably one of the dumbest things I have ever done, well.. not really dumb but just... risky? Yeah thats probably a good fit. Risky.
BUT FIRST! Lets rewind to 7 o clock, me and my Roomie went to the play Blithe Spirt at the college, it was BRILLIANT! I think it was 2 hours long, but it was soo worth it! Its about a writer who remarries after his wife dies and he accidently brings her spirit back and hes the only one that can see her and it causes conflict with his new wife, it was hilarious! I'm not going to ruin the ending, in case you ever plan to see it, but the ending was unexpecting! The whole play was just so well put together, stuff flying off the shelves from the ghost, ghosts skipping around, it was just AWESOME! I walked out of the play feeling inspired, I miss plays, I miss being in them... So me and my Roomie went home,
I had a tiny bit of Rum that I got from a friend so me and B drank it, I hadn't drank anything FOREVER, and we were bored. So we got a little buzzed and then waited for my other awesome roomies to come home. When they finally got home me and B were just lounging around the house in our "Sexy Outfits" B: Wearing fish-nets, high heels and her Stripper outfit, Me; Wearing some short pants, my Chippendale Dancer Cuffs and neck tie thingy, anyway so after being locked out of the house (which I didnt mind, let the neighbors stare lol) we came inside and got dressed. We got invited to a party at "The Apartments" A building complex known for its wild parties.
By this time my poor light-weight friend B was totally drunk, and I was just a tiny bit drunk...Anywhoser we walked down from our friends apartment that we went to first, he lives in the complex A and the party was down at the C Apartments. We made our way down and the party was raging, we fought the crowd and got in, it was probably 100 degrees + in the main room, everyone was grinding on EVERYONE, it was insane! Mostly all the guys there were all shirtless, and I was in the middle of the dance floor inches away from all of them, im pretty sure they were all straight but I didn't care.
Im not sure how long we danced before someone shouted "COPS! SCATTER!!" So everyone just books it out of the house, people pushing and screaming and trying to get out. I saw several kids from my high school, including ones from my Seminary Class, So everyone just ran outside and ran in all different directions. Me and B ran to a flight of stairs right outside the door and I saw a couple cops out on the road headed our way, I grabbed B and we ran up the stairs I heard the cops screaming, "EVERYONE DOWN ON THE GROUND!!! EVERYONE GET DOWN!! BREATHALIZERS FOR EVERYBODY!" Me and Britt ran when we met a couple other people running up too, knocking on doors, hiding from the cops. I looked down and I saw a cop and he flashed his light, he yelled, "EVERYBODY DOWN!" and I said some choice words, not to him but just out loud. I heard pounding up the stairs, a guy motioned for us to follow him and we followed him to the 3rd floor and he knocked on the door. "Let these people through" And the guy behind it swung it open and gestured us to come in. B and I ran through their apartment, down a super long hallway where other hiders were making their way to other places, some getting ready for bed. We reached the other side of the building and pushed through the door, yelling back a THANK YOU to the very kind guy that let us run through his apartment.
We crept down the stairs that led out the back of the building and we ran all the way to building A. My adrenaline was pumping, it was the most crazy thing, I know that sounds lame but it was such a thrill! We ended up staying at my friends apartment till 5 in the morning, playing truth or dare and other fun, hilarious games.
>>>>>>>>>THE NEXT DAY>>>>>>>>>>>
I woke up for work in an amazing mood, I think the first thing I did when I woke up was laugh. I played back the events in my head and just laughed at how crazy we must have looked running past people in that apartment. HILARIOUS!
So I go to work with my fingernails painted Rainbow Pride Colors because today is NATIONAL COMING OUT DAY! Oh and I wore some glitter on my eyes and face, just because I felt like it.
I kept getting weird looks at work but I didn't care, I tried not to roll my eyes as ANOTHER old person came in. For some reason this week we've had very rude old people come in in large groups, they are all almost deaf and in a bad mood... So anyway he comes up to the counter and I remember him from my high school, he would always be a main sub for the classes. He was so rude all the time, and every day he would teach he would just be in a super bad mood So I wasn't looking forward to talking with him (mostly because I helped cause trouble when he subbed our classes) Anyway, he ordered and he looked down and his eye brow went up and he looked at me weird and pointed at my nails, "Sorry but I have to ask.. why the polish?" and at first I was kinda stand offish because I wasn't about to get a lecture from some random old guy, and I thought about lying. Just so I wouldn't have to deal with any comment he would no doubt have, but I decided to just come out with it (nice choice of words.. lol) "Its the Pride Colors, its the national Coming Out Day today" and he nodded and said
"You haven't come out have you?" -Old man
"I have actually, almost a year ago" -me
And instead of scoffing or making a face he smiled and said, "That's very nice, well good for you." Although a small line formed behind him we kept talking, he asked me if my parents accepted it. I told him no, He didnt mean to pry but he wanted to know how they handled it, I said my Mom eventually kicked me out.
"That is a real shame she would do that, I can tell your a very nice young man, and it shouldn't matter who any body loves.. Are you at least living with good people?" -Old man
"Yeah I am actually, I live with 5 girls." -me
*clutches his chest* "Oh that must be exciting..and dramatic..."
"Oh yes! Very dramatic " -me
His order came up and went to go get it, I helped the other people and he ended up coming back over , we just talked about schooling, what colleges were best, he said to go with what I felt was best, I told him I loved to write, that I wanted to be an english teacher, we then brought up that he had subbed some of my classes. He laughed when I told him all the things I remembered that he did, (I didnt tell him I was often one of the trouble makers.. im not an idiot! lol) He then stuck out his hand for me to shake, and I wish I could get this quote just write, but this is how I remember it....
"Well, It was very nice to meet you. I wish you All the best of luck in life, in all that you do, I think your a good person no matter who you want to go home to, people in life need to realize that no matter who you want to go home to, who you fall in love with and who associate with has nothing to do with who you are as a person. Because even though we are all different we are all just trying to make it through life, So Good luck! "
This might sound cheesy but I was tearing up a little, It was almost like he restored all hope that I thought was lost in people in this narrow-minded hell hole of a town. I thanked him and he said he'd stop in from time to time to see how I was doing, he really in all honesty made my day.
So the rest of the day went amazingly, I was kind to every single customer after that, (I already am, but sometimes I get tired and turn on the fake smile and I just switch to auto-pilot so I dont have to directly deal with people. ) I asked people how they were, what their plans were. Its funny how one person can change your mood dramatically.
After work I went to a Candle-light Vigil that my amazing and super cute friend Jay put on, He is one of the main leaders of The Gay Straight Alliance, he is super kind and loving to everyone, I think I might have mentioned him earlier in my blog posts, I cant be sure but he is one of my dearest friends!
Anyway, sorry for typing so much! I just needed to write down what had happened, from getting chased by cops to talking with a very wise old man, that just proves that there are accepting people out there in the world. It makes me smile there is much more good in the world then bad.
Thank you for reading,
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