Monday, April 26, 2010

What Am I Going To Do?!

I feel so hollow right now.. like.. I'm going to just... vanish in thin air at least that would solve something


The Warden has given me till June 1st to be out then BOOM

The house gets an offer and we all have to get out in a month... Then my Mom tells me we are moving to Hurricane until our house is finished. Far from Friends.



The alternative is living with my mousy sister ! HELL NO

THen my Mom pitches the idea of living with her 2 months longer past the Kick Out day.. oh thats nice of her!
Except that I will have to watch my siblings. NO PAY.

Never break curfew and live by her rules.. Shall we review them?

No bringing guys home,

No talking about Guys,

No hanging out past Midnight..


I am seriously done with all this Drama SHIT

I am a loser for getting a job so late.

I'm a loser for not having any BACK UP money...

I am a loser for...just....everything.. Why do I even try anymore.. I'm done.

I feel so empty.. But I guess i'm just some whiney loser that doesn't deserve to be happy.

soooooooo empty.. I can feel it... I can actually feel it... I'm no one.. Nothing..


what am i going to do...

....I cant.....I just cant do this anymore...


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