Tuesday, September 14, 2010


I am not sure why I was so angry in my other post, but those still reading or at least checking in, thank you.

I haven't had the chance to drive clear to the library to write out a post about whats going on in my life right now, i'm even having trouble typing because i'm out of practice!

The sum it up,

I went to a party. The Warden found I wasn't home and she kicked me out.

I moved in with my Amazing cousin E for a week, her family made me feel so Welcomed and Loved,

A room opened up in my friends house,

I now live with 6 other girls in an amazing PARTY CENTRAL HOUSE!

I'm flat broke most of the time, but thats alright. I Love being out of the house, on my own.

Like all the time I spent there didnt matter because now i'm out and im FREE, to do WHATEVER THE HELL I WANT! ...Lol

My love life is......Rocky, and complicated but thats okay, i'm not bitter about anything, for once I feel like I shouldnt be blogging, I should just go live my life.

Although I love to pour out my soul on these pages, I think its time I stopped blogging for a while, not just because I have no computer but.. I should stop complaining and just..LIVE.

Thanks for reading, i'll post when I can or if I want to,


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